As we go about our day to day work lives at Brownmed, it is easy to get in a routine of simply getting things done. This is good because it allows us to accomplish a great deal of work. The downside is that we can forget how important our work is to patients’ lives on a daily basis. The Peru Orphanage Project, organized by occupational therapy students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides a good reason to pause and reflect. Last year, Brownmed was approached by the students with a simple request: could the company provide splints to an orphanage in Peru serving children with disabilities? Our response? Of course! We shipped the splints to the students and carried on with our work. Then, a couple months later, we received a lovely thank you card and sweet video showing us how the splints were put to use at the orphanage.
Moments like these remind us of how important our work is. We know that we are making the world just a little bit brighter, and for that opportunity, we are very grateful. Our hats are off to the occupational therapy students at UW-Madison for organizing this trip and their ongoing efforts to help kids in need.
What inspires you at work?